Back to Blogging and I turned 29

Hi Guys,

It’s been awhile since I wrote on my blog. Well, we’ve been going through lots. Besides work, I had to sort out a lot of paper work and get things organised for our move. Also, I’ll be taking a big risk next year which I can’t talk about yet but you’ll eventually find out.

Well let’s talk positive, Tim and I have travelled to 3 countries this quarter. We’ve been to Azerbaijan, Indonesia and Kenya. Another big news, I turned 29, WUHU. Of course, I will be writing about the countries on a separate post.

So here is a random post of how I promise I will be back to blogging. I’ve also been studying basic video editing just to share with you our activities.


Anyhow, on 10th December 2017, I officially turned 29 years old. Since Sunday is the first day of the week here in UAE, we celebrated my birthday a day before at Atmosphere. It is the highest restaurant in the world and located in Burj Khalifa on the 122nd floor.



Tim and I had a 5-course meal including a high tea menu. In addition to that, we had unlimited drinks with gold leaf petals and a professional violist playing classical music. Tim and I had a wonderful time and later visited my dad and brothers for a cup of coffee.




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4 thoughts on “Back to Blogging and I turned 29

  1. Happy Birthday! The food looks delicious! Can’t wait to hear more about your travels, Kenya in particular 🙂

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