
USA - 9/11 Tribute and Walking the Brooklyn Bridge We happened to be in New York on 9/11 so we
USA – Empire State VS Rockefeller Tim and I purchased a CityPASS booklet and in that booklet included tickets to
Love & Hate Relationship with the Concrete Jungle While listening to Charlie Puth on the plane, I got interrupted by
Philippines - Fun times with Familia in Manila People think Manila is another typical city but Naaaahhh you don't know
Today's Blog isn't about Travel. Here's the thing, I've been so caught up lately with lots of things: I had
We got picked up really early  and dropped at a station to take a van to join a group of tourists to head
After an exhausting day of Island hopping, our tour guide dropped us to our hostel/resort on a tricycle. It’s an
Philippines has 7,107 islands and out of all of them, we were so eager to visit Palawan. My brother ‘Mohammad’
Although we've been to Universal Studios in Singapore, Tim and I agreed to skip all the theme parks in LA
Travellers, who I know or met either speak more than one language or are learning a new language. I’m born