Morocco -Goats Grow on Argan Trees

The Riad organised a personal tour to take Tim and I to Essaouria. On our way to the city, we saw Goats on Trees. NO! NO! NO! I wasn’t high or anything, I’ve got a picture to prove it.

I yelled ‘STOP THE CAR!!!!!!!! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT??!!!! GOATS GROW ON TREES???!!!! TIM TAKE OUT THE CAMERA LETS TAKE PICTURES THIS IS INSANE!!!!!’. So we went all paparazzi on the goats and we were just amazed with that kind of scenery.


Later, we stopped at a mini workshop on how to extract oil from the Argan Tree; the ladies who worked there only spoke French and Arabic so I took the role of being a tour guide and translated the method. Tim and I bought lots of souvenirs for our families. Afterwards we said our goodbyes and continued our journey to Essaouria.

