
Tim and I spent our honeymoon in Sri Lanka. Our tour guide Zudhi, the friendliest and sweetest person we've met
At that time, I just started dating Tim and thought why not plan his birthday since we will be spending it
The Riad organised a personal tour to take Tim and I to Essaouria. On our way to the city, we
Travellers, who I know or met either speak more than one language or are learning a new language. I’m born
Jardin Majorelle (Majorelle Garden) the unique blue house located in the red city of Marrakesh. The house was bought by
Hi Guys! I know it's been quite a while since I've blogged. Well it's due to my colleague going on leave so
When I first met Tim, he managed to convince me to watch Game of Thrones (GoT) which led me to
Award is an award given to bloggers by bloggers. It is given to “bloggers who are positive and creatively inspire
Marrakesh is known as the 'Red City'. Everything that was surrounding us was red, the buildings, the sand, the mountains,
Sadly we had 2 days in London which I personally think is not enough to explore the city. I believe